Worst Blogger Ever

And the award for the worst blogger goes to….Maureen Roland!

I never knew how much I looked forward to bed time until I became a mom of two. When 7pm rolls around, I sink into my couch and stare at the TV in a trance telling myself I will pull out the laptop and whip up some creative content for my blog; but it never happens. Which is why I find myself four months behind in posts, again.

Since my last post, lots of fun has been happening around the Roland Ranch.

  • Preschool started (and ended)

  • Grandma (my Mom) came to visit (twice)

  • Santa came!

  • We finally finished soccer

  • Maxwell is now 8 months

  • Preparations for operation “Move across the country with 2 kids and a dog” are underway

  • Lots of trips to our local wineries, a few Disneyland days, and not to mention the daily shenanigans of Audrey being a full blown 2.5 year old, which if you follow me on social media know first hand, it is never dull.

  • We are self isolating from a global pandemic called coronavirus

Life most days is loud, organized chaos, and cleaning up messes to make them again. Things are definitely not boring but have drastically changed from the days where Jamari and I would travel internationally to random cities for three day weekends.

So here is my four month photo drop and my pledge to try harder .